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You never know when the Horseman will ride, and that's exactly the case with Crane as it launches A DAY EARLY!
If you have watched my Facebook page at all you know that this means it is time to kick start the rafflecopter machine! Grand prize is a FREE Kindle Fire along with ebooks donated by some of todays HOTTEST authors, First Prize is a Crane tote filled with signed copies of ALL of my fiction novels, and Second Prize is a $10 Amazon Gift Card! Not enough prizes for you? Wow, I thought that was a good haul, but let's keep it going then! Join my launch party, taking place May 26th from 6-9pm Eastern, for your chance to win a Crane coffee mug, flashdrives, chip clips, ebooks, pens, signed swag, a tshirt, rubber bracelets and more! Crane Launch Party!
NOW, on to how to win that Kindle! First, you're going to need a purchase order for buying Crane--don't get antsy, I made it $.99 for the first week just for this very reason. So, let's start by you clicking on a link below to go pick up your copy. Go ahead. I'll wait. (begins humming Indiana Jones theme music to self.)
Crane on Amazon
Crane for Nook
Got it? Awesome and THANK YOU! That brings us to step two! Plug that lucky little number into the rafflecopter below, follow the other prompts and that's all there is to it! You're entered! Winner will be selected June 2nd! Good luck, and whatever happens, don't lose your head. ;-)