Author Stacey Rourke

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

My Beef with the TV Show Sleepy Hollow

Since I was in elementary school and first watched Disney's version of Ichabod Crane fleeing on horseback from a headless hessian I have been enthralled with all things involving the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Every book written (including the original of course), every movie made (Johnny Depp as the adorably bumbling Ichabod--sigh), I had to indulge myself in them all.

Until the day I decided to write Crane, my own spin on the infamous legend. Then, I went into research mode and only allowed myself to delve into the actual stories that came out of Tarrytown about their well-known burg of Sleepy Hollow. The karma gods thought that would be the perfect time to allow a brand new show--that I therefore couldn't watch--to be launched. It's name? Sleepy Hollow, of course!

I stayed strong; bit my knuckle, averted my eyes, and pretend to be deaf as the hype about the show built. Heads were rolling, mayhem was being unleashing on the Hollow, and I WAS MISSING IT! Through writing, editing, and up to the release I was a brick wall of resolve.
But then ...

Crane was released and there was NO reason I couldn't have a marathon viewing session! So, that is exactly what I did. Nonstop Hollow until the season one finale credits rolled and I was left wondering what the *!@# I just watched. Now don't get me wrong, the show has some fantastic elements! Hot guy with dreamy accent? Check! Scenes that nearly made my bladder fail? Check! Special effects that could only be described as uber icky? Check to the second power. It's all there. Yet, it just wasn't working for me.

I had ruined the show for myself by ... reading. Learning the true myths and legends of Sleepy Hollow was so fascinating that even the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse seemed contrite by comparison.  A soldier saves a baby that he found in a city he was ordered to burn to the ground, then loses his head to canon fire, only to have the grateful mother of that child insist that he get a proper Christian burial for his noble act. His body should have burned with the rest of the fallen soldiers. Because it wasn't, he rose again in search of his head. That is the premise of the REAL story of the Headless Horseman! How flingin' flangin' cool is that? The Horseman was once a HERO! Other facts that hindered my viewing pleasure? Washington Irving, that penned the original Legend of Sleepy Hollow, served in the military under a man named ... drum roll please ... Ichabod Crane! Wha?! Huh?! He knew the guy?! That's right! This is just the tip of the iceberg! But it was the missing flavor of the real mythology that jaded me to this latest version.

I will give season two a try--accent boy is worth a second look. And I can at least rest assured that I was able to incorporate bits of real Sleepy Hollow trivia in Crane--along with witty one-liners, head-rolling thrills, and kindle clasping suspense.

The Horseman is unending, 
his presence shan’t lessen. 
If you break the curse, 
you become the legend. 

Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep. 

What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you? 

Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse. 

But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides? 

Find the link to buy at the top of this page! And don't forget to enter the TWO giveaways! Comment below for a chance to win an ecopy of Crane and enter the raffle for a Kindle Fire

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Only One by Meg Collett's New Release! Excerpt included!

release day banner
Title: The Only One
Series: End of Days #3
Audience: New Adult
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Released: June 30, 2014

The Only One Cover-good res

In the final installment to the popular End of Days series, Heaven still belongs to a mad tyrant, and Michaela is losing her battle to save the dying world. But the tides are turning. With Gabriel’s fallen army, Michaela can finally start a war with the holy angels, which means she has to take care of the Watchers once and for all. What Michaela doesn’t realize is that her best friend has his own vengeful plan for the Watchers. Even amidst a war, Michaela and Gabriel bask in a sliver of happiness. With every touch and kiss, Michaela discovers a new home in Gabriel’s arms. Yet happiness is ever fleeting, and Michaela learns of a vision that foretells of the greatest sacrifice she’ll ever make for Heaven. But what is sacrifice in the face of tyranny and madness? It’s a lesson Michaela may not live long enough to fully understand.
The Only One (End of Days, #3)
Buy Links

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Someone pressed himself against Michaela’s back, his hands twining around her stomach. She felt his lips on her neck, his breath in her ear. He said something, but Michaela couldn’t hear. Clark cocked an eyebrow at her and moved away slightly to dance with a petite girl in a fox costume. Michaela twisted in the man’s arms so that they were face to face. He was tall and lanky and definitely human. The pupils of his eyes were huge, dilated far beyond normal, and Michaela smelled the musky hint of drugs seeping from his mouth. His hands roamed over her body, groping her ass. There was no room to get away; the bodies in the middle of the floor were pressed so close together. For a moment, panic flooded through Michaela’s veins. Sure she could knock this guy out with one hit, but she didn’t want to bring attention to herself. She looked around, realizing that everyone was experiencing the same sort of free will she was. She had no clue how the human girls dealt with this sort of invasion. In her distraction, she didn’t realize the man in front of her was about to kiss her until the second before his lips smashed into hers. Immediately, his tongue pressed into her mouth, forcing her lips to part. His tangy salvia pooled at the back of her throat and gagged her. His hand slid up her side to fist around her breast. In that appalling moment, Michaela realized two things. The first being that Gabriel, who was very new to the whole sex thing, was very, very good at the sex thing. And the second being…Gabriel. He stood in all his tall, dark glory behind the man sucking on Michaela’s tongue. Lifting his hand as if he was going to tap on the man’s shoulder and ask to cut in, Gabriel pressed a finger onto on the man’s shoulder, making him instantly sag to the floor. Gabriel pressed harder into the pressure point on the guy’s neck until he was nearly on the floor and completely disengaged from Michaela. It was quiet and efficient. Gabriel righted the man and set him aside before he made too much of a scene. In the mass of pulsing bodies and underneath the flashing storm of rainbow lights, it was unnoticeable. The man moved away, slightly stunned and confused, but without a backwards glance. Michaela shrugged sheepishly at Gabriel’s blank stare. Only because she was looking at his mouth was she able to read his lips as he spoke. “Don’t kiss anyone else.”  

Meg Collett 
About the Author
Meg Collett lives deep in the hills of Tennessee where the the cell phone service is a blessing and the Internet is a myth of epic proportions. She is the mother of one giant horse named Elle and two dogs named Wylla and Mandy. Her husband is a saint for putting up with her ragtag life. End of Days is her first series.

teaser 3

Purchase Meg's Other Books Today

THO Cover

cover reveal TOO

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Rise of the Horseman!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin You never know when the Horseman will ride, and that's exactly the case with Crane as it launches A DAY EARLY!

If you have watched my Facebook page at all you know that this means it is time to kick start the rafflecopter machine! Grand prize is a FREE Kindle Fire along with ebooks donated by some of todays HOTTEST authors, First Prize is a Crane tote filled with signed copies of ALL of my fiction novels, and Second Prize is a $10 Amazon Gift Card! Not enough prizes for you? Wow, I thought that was a good haul, but let's keep it going then! Join my launch party, taking place May 26th from 6-9pm Eastern, for your chance to win a Crane coffee mug, flashdrives, chip clips, ebooks, pens, signed swag, a tshirt, rubber bracelets and more! Crane Launch Party!

NOW, on to how to win that Kindle! First, you're going to need a purchase order for buying Crane--don't get antsy, I made it $.99 for the first week just for this very reason. So, let's start by you clicking on a link below to go pick up your copy. Go ahead. I'll wait. (begins humming Indiana Jones theme music to self.)
Crane on Amazon
Crane for Nook

Got it? Awesome and THANK YOU! That brings us to step two! Plug that lucky little number into the rafflecopter below, follow the other prompts and that's all there is to it! You're entered! Winner will be selected June 2nd! Good luck, and whatever happens, don't lose your head. ;-)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

An Excerpt of Crane!

12 Days! Only twelve more days until the official launch of Crane! I'm so excited I may lose my head!

(See what I did there? It's was a Horseman joke, but now I explained it and killed the funny. Hah! Look another pun! Let's move on, shall we?)

Anywho, I have so many wonderful things planned! Blog tours, book blasts, GIANT giveaways including one lucky winner taking home a FREE KINDLE FIRE, and an online launch party where we will be playing games and handing out prizes! We will be redefining EPIC kids! You can even get a jump start on the fun by entering my giveaway on Goodreads to win a signed copy listed at the bottom of this post!

Now, just for all of you, about a sneak peek inside of Crane to get a little taste for what's to come? 

“Tonight was meant to be the Harvest Ball,” Katrina said as she slid between the folds of her crimson and taupe gown. “Now the town is meeting, trying to concoct a plan to stop a being that death itself couldn’t tame.”
Ichabod sat on the edge of the bed with his back, respectfully, to Katrina while she changed. His loaded musket lay across his lap. In the reflection of the window in front of him he could see the soft curve of her hips as they tapered into her narrow waist. He cleared his throat and shifted his gaze to the floor. His chin tipped to the side, ever so slightly, to ask, “Are you secure in our plan?”
“I am to attend the summit on the arm of Brom Van Brunt,” she reaffirmed as she pulled her long, blonde locks out from the back of her gown and began tightening the laces of her bodice. “Then speak with as many people as I can, searching for anyone that may have motives leading to the Horseman.”
Ichabod nodded. Mostly to himself, he muttered the remaining details they were depending upon, “Rip will be inside as well. That man can finesse a crowd with a skill that truly baffles. If there are secrets to be found, he will uncover them. Irv will be outside with me, primarily because the Horseman isn’t the only one in this town that would like to see his head on a spike. We will be on horseback, patrolling the grounds with a few other men that have volunteered. You will have nothing to fear.”
Her elegant gown in place, Katrina turned to Ichabod wearing an expression equal parts timidity and fear. “What of Brom?”
The bed squeaked as Ichabod shifted his weight to face her. “Boorish as his ways may be, he cares for you. If you adopt the guise that you have interest in him, he will do all he can to protect you inside the gathering, while I provide you the same service outside.”
“And,” her long lashes brushed the tops of her cheeks as she cast her gaze to the floor, “you aren’t bothered by me being on his arm?”
In the midst of the plotting and planning, Ichabod had slipped into the role he knew well of military strategist. He had detached himself from the emotional aspects—until that very moment. The reality of his request sank in like a heavy stone. He had asked her to take another man’s arm, asserting her place beside him. The implications of that dug into his gut like a dull blade, churning and twisting deep.
“The mere idea of that makes me ache,” he stated, forcing the words through his suddenly parched throat. “Yet I would endure this hardship, and countless others, to keep you safe.”
She moistened her lips with a flick of her tongue, seemingly wrestling with words that gave her pause. “Ichabod, when this is over … w-would you call yourself mine?”
Ichabod closed his eyes. The euphoria of that question washed over him, cleansing him of all his sins with the promise of tomorrow. Rising to his feet, he took her velvet soft hand in his. A love he hadn’t known possible illuminated her striking face. “From the moment I saw you, my heart belonged to you alone. If by some miracle you were to give me your love in return, I would need nothing else to sustain me the rest of my days.”
Katrina’s palm tenderly brushed his cheek. “You have already claimed that.”

Allowing no further hesitation, Ichabod gathered her in his arms. Katrina tipped her head back, the soft curves of her body molding to his. Full lips parted in an alluring invitation it would take a stronger man than him to resist.    

Panting for more? Mark your calendar for the May 26th release and don't forget to enter the giveaway below for your signed copy! 

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Crane by Stacey Rourke


by Stacey Rourke

Giveaway ends June 14, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Friday, May 2, 2014

Don't Lose Your Head ... Crane is Coming!!

Mark your calendar kids, my next novel is releasing May 26, 2014! This is a fresh, new series for me that I cannot wait to share with all of you! 

The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan't lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.

Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane's disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.

What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?

Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.

But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?

Giddy with anticipation?! Me too! Which is why I will be making Crane available for pre-order TWO WEEKS before its launch date! That way you can get your copy the very second it releases! Need more of an incentive? Check out the official Crane booktrailer! 

I'm dying --see the Horseman pun there?-- to hear what you think! Comment below with your thoughts! 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Release Blitz~ Stove of Destiny by Laura Howard

Stone of Destiny (The Danaan Trilogy Book 2)

by Laura Howard

Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance


Allison thought it was crazy enough when she found out her father, Liam, wasn't entirely human. But now she has to join his magical allies to unravel his former mistress's plans. Aoife wants to keep Allison's parents apart forever.

Despite Allison's efforts to keep Ethan, the only guy she's ever cared about, out of this supernatural mess, fate keeps throwing him back into the mix. 

Will Allison be able to find the amulet that holds the enchantment Aoife placed on Liam and destroy it? Are Ethan' s feelings for Allison strong enough to endure the magic of the Tuatha De Danaan?


The Forgotten Ones

Book One in The Danaan Trilogy

About Laura:

Laura Howard lives in New Hampshire with her husband and four children. Her obsession with books began at the age of 6 when she got her first library card. Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and other girly novels were routinely devoured in single sittings. Books took a backseat to diapers when she had her first child. It wasn’t until the release of a little novel called Twilight, 8 years later, that she rediscovered her love of fiction. Soon after, her own characters began to make themselves known.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Vampire Apocalypse by Jennifer Malone Wright~ Release Day Blitz!

 Date of Release: April 14th 2014
Author: Jennifer Malone Wright

Society now knows of the vampires that roam the world. The creatures of the night no longer hide from humans. Instead, they are attacking on the streets, in plain view; either killing them or turning them into one of their own.

Six months have passed since Chloe and the other Hunters took down the vampire business tower, The Talon Building. Dahlia, a beautiful yet wicked vampire, warned Chloe that by destroying their business she had started the vampire apocalypse, and that each and every vampire turned would be on Chloe’s conscience … and she wasn’t kidding. The vampire apocalypse was upon them.

The group dynamic has changed in the six months that have passed. Chloe has hardened, becoming a heartless vampire killer. The young Hunters are forced into a new home, with the barrier still up around Arcadia Falls and Chloe unable to cross it. Worst of all, the community of Arcadia Falls has shunned Chloe, knowing that she was the cause of the first vampire outbreak in history to go public, allowing every single human being on earth to learn about vampires.

The group may be young, but they are powerful and smart. However, are they powerful and smart enough to save the world from being taken over by the one thing they were made to kill?


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Love ( Crush #3 ) By Lacey Weatherford ~ Release Blitz

"You thought you had a #CRUSH. You thought you were #SMITTEN. Prepare your heart for full blown #LOVE as Dylan swoons his way to the top of your book boyfriend list!"
– Belinda Boring, Bestselling Author of the Mystic Wolves Series  

Love ( Crush #3 ) By Lacey Weatherford

Living happily ever after has always been part of the plan for Cami and Dylan, but when strange things begin happening around the Wilcock household, Cami simply believes she’s becoming forgetful.

However, when the incidents begin to escalate, both are left feeling vulnerable. Unable to figure out what’s going on, Dylan delves deeper into the mysterious happenings. But when the truth comes out, he finds himself faced with the biggest decision of his life—how far will he go to protect the one he loves?

"You thought you had a #CRUSH. You thought you were #SMITTEN. Prepare your heart for full blown #LOVE as Dylan swoons his way to the top of your book boyfriend list!"
– Belinda Boring, Bestselling Author of the Mystic Wolves Series  

Love ( Crush #3 ) By Lacey Weatherford

Living happily ever after has always been part of the plan for Cami and Dylan, but when strange things begin happening around the Wilcock household, Cami simply believes she’s becoming forgetful.

However, when the incidents begin to escalate, both are left feeling vulnerable. Unable to figure out what’s going on, Dylan delves deeper into the mysterious happenings. But when the truth comes out, he finds himself faced with the biggest decision of his life—how far will he go to protect the one he loves?

Exclusive Teaser- Never before shared!
Lifting the damaged pillow, I examined the fabric, feeling my nerves skyrocket again. This didn’t look chewed up. It looked sliced. And it was one of the pillows from my side of the bed. Getting a garbage bag, I carefully, I put the contents inside and made my way into the kitchen. Pausing to stare at the block of sharp cutting knives on the counter, I noticed they all seemed to be in the right place. Grabbing a plastic baggie, I slid my hand inside and carefully began sliding each knife from its slot one at a time and examining it. I stopped when I arrived at a small paring knife, immediately spotting a tiny clump of black strings clinging near the base that exactly matched the color of my pillowcase. My heart was pounding. Unless Cami was pissed at me and had gone a little crazy, someone had been in my house—our house—with her.

"Lacey Weatherford keeps the surprises coming. Just when you think the story ended at SMITTEN, she hits us with a semi truck, POW, with another fantastic and explosive storyline. Makes you fall in #LOVE with the characters all over again!”
-Lisa Markson, The Paranormal Bookworm

“Dylan and Cami have done it again! They made me laugh, cry, and turned my heart into a puddle of goo! "LOVE" is the best book in this series yet, and I have enjoyed every step of the journey this series took me on!”
– Christina Racich, Pretty Lil Page Turners

About The Author

Lacey Weatherford is the bestselling author of the popular young adult paranormal romance series, Of Witches and Warlocks, and contemporary series, Chasing Nikki and Crush, and Tell Me Why. Lacey resides in the beautiful White Mountains of Arizona. She lives with her wonderful husband and children along with their dog, Talley, and cat, Minx.

When she’s not out supporting one of her kids at their sporting/music events, she spends her time reading, writing, and visiting with her readers on her social media accounts.

the story of Awkward by R.K Ryals ~ Release Day Blitz

Have you ever felt outside the norm? Different? Unusual? Weird? Have you ever been bullied? Teased? Have you ever felt alone? Secluded? Peregrine Storke knows the feeling, that incredibly lonely feeling. It's like standing at a window, your palm against the glass, your gaze watching people be things you never thought you could be. But that's about to change .... Releasing this weekend is The Story of Awkward. This is a YA/NA romance for anyone who's ever wanted to believe in fairytales, who's ever wanted to be a part of a fairytale, but who always felt too awkward to fill the role.

#EmbraceYourAwkward The Story of Awkward by R.K. Ryals Cover Design by Regina Wamba of Mae I Design Synopsis: If you are looking for a happy book about beautiful people, this is the wrong story. If you are looking for a narrative without emotion, without regrets, and without mistakes, this is definitely the wrong story. This is by no means an uncomplicated tale about uncomplicated people. It is by no means sweet or light. This story is ugly. This story is complicated. This story is emotional. This story is tragic. In short, this story is about being awkward. Peregrine Storke is an artist with an odd sketchbook full of pictures she’s drawn since she was a child. It is a book full of strange sketches and awkward characters, for there is no better way to hide from bullying and life than to create a world of your own. With a stroke of her pencil, she has given life to a spectacled princess, a freckle-nosed king, a candy loving troll, a two-horned unicorn, and a graceless fairy. At nineteen, Peregrine leaves her home, her sketchbook, and awkwardness behind. But what happens when something goes wrong in the world of Awkward? Trapped inside of her complex realm with the bully she thought to leave behind, Peregrine discovers there is nothing worse than falling for your own villain.


About the Author

R.K. Ryals is the author of emotional and gripping young adult and new adult paranormal romance, contemporary romance, and fantasy. With a strong passion for charity and literacy, she works as a full time writer encouraging people to "share the love of reading one book at a time." An avid animal lover and self-proclaimed coffee-holic, R.K. Ryals was born in Jackson, Mississippi and makes her home in the Southern U.S. with her husband, her three daughters, a rescue dog named Oscar the Grouch, A Shitzsu named Tinkerbell, an OCD cat, and a coffee pot she honestly couldn't live without. Should she ever become the owner of a fire-breathing dragon (tame of course), her life would be complete.
Contact her on twitter and Instagram at @RKRyals, on Facebook at or online at